PRAISE FOR FIXING ELECTIONS "Fixing Elections is the most important book on American democracy that has come out in many years. Our antiquated electoral rules restrict the range of choices in politics, polarize the nation, and frustrate the growing number of citizens who do not vote at all. In Fixing Elections, Steven Hill explains why American democracy is broken--and how it can be repaired."
"Here's the eye-opening news from Steven Hill's new book: our 'winner-take-all' electoral system is a mug's game that makes losers of us all. He explains why-convincingly. And he tells us what we can do about it."
"Fixing Elections is a provocative reminder that we desperately need to re-invigorate our democracy. By cataloguing the elements of the crisis facing our divided polity, from orphaned voters to a far-reaching political depression, Steven Hill shows how crucial it is to explore the unfairness of our electoral system's underlying structure rather than simply working to reform the mechanics of voting.
"Steven Hill is making the case for real reform of America's decayed democracy-changes that will actually give weight to every vote cast and begin the hard process of convincing Americans of every persuasion that their votes really can matter."
"In this powerfully argued and engaging book, Steven Hill successfully demonstrates how our Winner-Take-All electoral system produces highly undemocratic results. His work should inspire serious and widespread discussion of alternative electoral arrangements that are far more democratic and have long been employed in almost all of the other advanced democratic countries."
"For the past decade, Steven Hill's analysis, commentary and activism have helped shape pro-democracy work in the United States. In his first book, 'Whose Vote Counts?', Hill gives us a lively, forceful and provocative work that powerfully explores ways to strengthen our democracy."
"As the pamphlet Common Sense was to the American revolution, so Fixing Elections could be to the movement for alternative voting systems in our day. Fixing Elections is...a scathing indictment of the system now in place in the U.S. The book manages to introduce sophisticated new ideas about voting systems in a very readable, even compelling, style...It deserves the widest readership possible."
"Fixing Elections is one of the most penetrating and devastating critiques of American electoral politics I have ever read."
"Fixing Elections is a fascinating, well-written page-turner that describes how our political system evolved, why it is not working, and how we can fix it. I read its 303 pages in a single sitting, and found it a rich source of new ideas, plus a treasure-trove of resource notes that can lead the interested reader to more materials on democratic voting practices. Steven Hill has been a powerful and visionary writer and activist for reform of our nation's voting practices for many years. Fixing Elections is a must-read on your road to real political empowerment." Phil Tajitsu Nash, columnist for Asian Week (click here to read the entire review) "What's
wrong with politics in America? What explains
our abysmal voter turnouts -- down, according to
one international study, to 138th in the world,
sandwiched between Botswana and
Chad? Why are vast segments of the country
political wastelands for one party or the other?
Why are so many million voters
"orphaned" in states where the
candidates they prefer are likely never to win?
Political analyst Steven Hill offers up a single
answer in his new
"Fixing Elections is an eye-opener for anyone who still believes in such myths as 'one person, one vote' and 'majority rules.' As Hill superbly demonstrates, winner-take-all is 18th-century voting technology for the 21st century."
"What's wrong with politics in America? What explains our abysmal voter turnouts -- down, according to one international study, to 138th in the world, sandwiched between Botswana and Chad? Why are vast segments of the country political wastelands for one party or the other? Why are so many million voters "orphaned" in states where the candidates they prefer are likely never to win? Political analyst Steven Hill offers up a single answer in his new book, Fixing Elections --it's the winner-take-all system of elections."
"Hill says that the root cause of it all, the factor that has allowed our politics to deteriorate, is something that's rarely talked about: the winner-take-all system, as embodied in the Electoral College and the single-seat districts through which we elect members of Congress and most state legislators. He warns that a system "based exclusively on where you live, rather than what you think" will prove "increasingly disastrous in a diverse, pluralistic society like ours."
tour of the
Yale Magazine
Geov Parrish,
Paul Taylor,
Elections is a much-needed field guide to
our winner-take-all political landscape and the
monsters that roam it, bloody of tooth and red
of claw. Hill proposes a revolutionary solution
to this dilemma: smash the gerrymandered
two-party system by replacing winner-take-all
elections with modern, flexible,
"proportional" voting systems."
Organization for Women ( And more...